Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I Just Knew

The prompt I chose this week for Mama Kat's writers workshop:

4.) Write a story in exactly 101 here goes...

He made us a fire on the shore of the lake; we enjoyed a simple dessert of vanilla ice cream topped with fresh blueberries. We finished our dessert and walked to the end of the dock. Together we sat, letting our legs dangle over the edge, talking and watching the fish swim beneath our feet. Once the June sun set, we laid on our backs gazing at the stars and the moon, pointing out the satellites floating through space. Hours later, he held my hand and walked me to my car. We said good-bye, kissed our first kiss, and I knew.


Miss. C said...

I LOVE this story, it just makes my heart dance!!! Is it true???

Andrea said...

What a sweet story.

Unknown said...

Great story.

It seems all great romances begin with the stolen clasp of the hand.

Jen said...

Great story!

Stopped over from Mama Kat's place.

KatBouska said...

Awwww...this is really good!!!

Holly Lefevre said...

How romantic!

Anonymous said...

So good. Is it true?

Jennifer P. said...

This one was in my top two....oh how I hated choosing! Thank you so much for 'playing' though! Looking forward to reading you in Writers Workshop again soon!